Road accidents are extremely terrifying, so one should guarantee the highest level of security while driving. In today’s world people are bringing in more cash and purchasing more vehicles. Be it any vehicle car or bikes, taxis, trucks and so forth, the quantity is expanding continuously. While this shows a decent size of improvement in quick and easy work, it additionally implies that there are higher possibilities of road accidents. Street mishaps can be deadly and are extremely dangerous so we should give a valiant effort to stay away from them. Sometimes these accidents can be due to driver carelessness. At times driver may feel sleepy after a long drive or may not pay proper attention to roads at night. To avoid such instances, one should have driver alert sleep warning device in their car. This anti dosing device will alert the drivers in such situations and they can avoid fatal accidents. You simply must put it behind your right ear, and it alerts when the head lower in the degrees of 15° to 20°. It is especially suitable for long-distance or night driving as at such times driver feels sleepy. The anti-dosing device caution for any sign that the driver's head is tipping forward: When the earpiece detects that the point has expanded from zero to 15 or 20 degrees, it sounds an alert. Also, this alarm is not so sudden that driver will get up in a shock and steps harder on the accelerator, rather it is a slow voice which will indicate the driver to be cautious.